AUG 7 – SEP 6 at Urban Spree Gallery Berlin
With the #BlackLivesMatters movement sweeping the global community, it is now, more than ever, that white people need to acknowledge their responsibility to dismantle oppressive, racist systems. Influenced by the book ‘Exit Racism’ by Tupoka Ogette & Robin DiAngelo’s ‘White Fragility’, Low Bros have partnered with IDB (Institut für diskriminierungsfreie Bildung), Josephine Apraku and Jule Bönkost for this exhibition. As an educational starting point, this exhibition aims to amplify and continue the conversation surrounding white privilege and asks questions of how it can be better utilised in institutions, as well as private & public spaces. While the search for answers is ongoing, the artworks aim is to highlight the problems of unchecked whiteness, especially when it is being recognised as a default perspective in society. By debunking the concept of privileges and problems, the context of this exhibition aims to engage whiteness as an ally to the BIPOC community. Join the conversation to learn, unlearn and relearn about this topic at the Urban Spree, Berlin, on 07.08.2020.
(by Anna Ptasinska)